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IgG N-glycan library, APTS labeled [Labeled Glycan Standards] (CAT#: CB-P406-K) Datasheet

Product Type
Glycan Standards
Structural analysis of carbohydrates is a requirement for biopharmaceutical characterisation and may include the assay of the following features: molecular mass, composition of monosaccharides and their configurational and conformational isomers, sequence of monosaccharide residues, presence and position of branches and functional groups and interglycosidic linkages. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a useful tool in determining the molecular weights but the sensitivity can be low especially where there are many different structures. Carbohydrates often contain carboxy, amino, sulphate, and phosphate groups. The nature and the position of these groups on the residue, as well as the position of this residue within the glycan may be difficult to determine. Permethylation of glycans converts hydrogen groups to methyl groups which renders the glycans hydrophobic; the conversion stabilises sialic acids and can increase signal intensity in mass measurements. Creative Biolabs now offers a permethylated IgG glycan library to use as a system suitability standard during MS analysis. Crea also offers a C13 version which can be used as an internal standard in the same MALDI chip spot as your C12-labelled permethylated glycans.
Glycoproteins and glycopeptides containing N-linked glycans
Handling Advice
Allow the unopened vial to reach ambient temperature and tap unopened on a solid surface to ensure that most of the lyophilized material is at the bottom of the vial. Gently remove the cap, add the desired volume of reconstitution medium, re-cap and mix thoroughly to bring all the oligosaccharide into solution. For maximal recovery of oligosaccharide, ensure that the cap lining is also rinsed and centrifuge the reconstituted vial briefly before use. Ensure that any glass, plasticware or solvents used are free of glycosidases and environmental carbohydrates.
Refridgerate (-20°C) both before and after dissolution. This product is stable for at least 5 years as supplied.
Shelf Life
Stability: Stable at least 12 months when stored properly. Several days exposure to ambient tempertures will not reduce activity.
Research Use
For research use only. Not for human or drug use

All products and services are for Research Use Only. Do Not use in humans.


Creative Biolabs has established a team of customer support scientists ready to discuss ADCC/CDC optimization strategies, antibody production, bioinformatics analysis and other molecular biology/biotechnology issues.

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