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Non-Fucosylated Anti-Human IL6 (PF-04236921) Therapeutic Antibody (CAT#: BioBet-1105ZP) Datasheet

ADCC-Enhanced anti-IL6 (PF-04236921) is a non-fucosylated therapeutic biobetter antibody engineered by Creative Biolabs' Afuco™ technology platform.
Crohn's Disease; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Systemic lupus erythematosus
Therapeutic antibody; biobetter

Cooperation Seeking

Creative Biolabs is interested in collaborating with potential partners (include but not limit to major pharma or biotech firms) to further co-develop ADCC-enhanced IL6 antibody. For commercial partners interested in our ADCC-enhanced therapeutic antibodies, Creative Biolabs welcomes collaboration. Here are two ways for your choice, and please contact us for more details.
1) Collaborate with us and co-develop the programs from discovery phase to IND enabling. Costs will be shared.
2) Become a licensed candidate of our programs.
Looking forward to cooperating with you in the near future.
Official Name
Full Name
interleukin 6
This gene encodes a cytokine that functions in inflammation and the maturation of B cells. In addition, the encoded protein has been shown to be an endogenous pyrogen capable of inducing fever in people with autoimmune diseases or infections. The protein is primarily produced at sites of acute and chronic inflammation, where it is secreted into the serum and induces a transcriptional inflammatory response through interleukin 6 receptor, alpha. The functioning of this gene is implicated in a wide variety of inflammation-associated disease states, including suspectibility to diabetes mellitus and systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Alternative Names
IL6; interleukin 6; HGF; HSF; BSF2; IL-6; IFNB2; interleukin-6; CDF; BSF-2; IFN-beta-2; interferon beta-2; interleukin BSF-2; interferon, beta 2; hybridoma growth factor; CTL differentiation factor; B-cell stimulatory factor 2; B-cell differentiation factor
Gene ID
Cellular Localization
Extracellular region or secreted
Involvement in Disease
Diseases associated with IL6 include Kaposi Sarcoma and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Juvenile.
Related Pathways
Its related pathways are Transcriptional misregulation in cancer and Folate Metabolism.
Cytokines with multiple biological functions. It is a powerful inducer of acute phase reactions. It plays an important role in the differentiation of b cells into insulin-secreting cells, and participates in the differentiation of lymphocytes and monocytes. It acts on b cells, t cells, hepatocytes, hematopoietic progenitor cells and central nervous system cells. Required to produce T(H)17 cells. Also plays the role of muscle factor. After muscle contraction, it is released into the blood, which increases the breakdown of fat and improves insulin resistance. It can induce the growth of myeloma and plasmacytoma and the differentiation of nerve cells.
Post-translational modifications
N- and O-glycosylated.
Biologic Classification
Protein Based Therapies
Monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Antibody Isotype
Antibody Clone
Species Reactivity
PF-04236921 is a fully human antibody that binds to and neutralizes the IL-6 ligand. There are increased levels of the cytokine in active lupus and excess production of it by T and B cells. PF-04236921 is also being evaluated for use in Crohn's disease.
Crohn's Disease; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Systemic lupus erythematosus

Crohn's Disease; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Systemic lupus erythematosus

All products and services are for Research Use Only. Do Not use in humans.


Creative Biolabs has established a team of customer support scientists ready to discuss ADCC/CDC optimization strategies, antibody production, bioinformatics analysis and other molecular biology/biotechnology issues.

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