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Non-Fucosylated Anti-Human Apolipoprotein B Therapeutic Antibody (CAT#: BioBet-574ZP) Datasheet

Apolipoprotein B
ADCC-Enhanced anti-Apolipoprotein B is a non-fucosylated therapeutic biobetter antibody engineered by Creative Biolabs' Afuco™ technology platform.
Cardiovascular disease
Therapeutic antibody; biobetter

Cooperation Seeking

Creative Biolabs is interested in collaborating with potential partners (include but not limit to major pharma or biotech firms) to further co-develop ADCC-enhanced Apolipoprotein B antibody. For commercial partners interested in our ADCC-enhanced therapeutic antibodies, Creative Biolabs welcomes collaboration. Here are two ways for your choice, and please contact us for more details.
1) Collaborate with us and co-develop the programs from discovery phase to IND enabling. Costs will be shared.
2) Become a licensed candidate of our programs.
Looking forward to cooperating with you in the near future.
Official Name
Full Name
apolipoprotein B
This gene product is the main apolipoprotein of chylomicrons and low density lipoproteins. It occurs in plasma as two main isoforms, apoB-48 and apoB-100: the former is synthesized exclusively in the gut and the latter in the liver. The intestinal and the hepatic forms of apoB are encoded by a single gene from a single, very long mRNA. The two isoforms share a common N-terminal sequence. The shorter apoB-48 protein is produced after RNA editing of the apoB-100 transcript at residue 2180 (CAA->UAA), resulting in the creation of a stop codon, and early translation termination. Mutations in this gene or its regulatory region cause hypobetalipoproteinemia, normotriglyceridemic hypobetalipoproteinemia, and hypercholesterolemia due to ligand-defective apoB, diseases affecting plasma cholesterol and apoB levels.
Alternative Names
APOB; apolipoprotein B; FLDB; LDLCQ
Gene ID
UniProt ID
Cellular Localization
Extracellular region or secreted
Involvement in Disease
Diseases associated with APOB include Hypobetalipoproteinemia, Familial, 1 and Hypercholesterolemia, Familial, 2.
Related Pathways
Its related pathways are Activated TLR4 signalling and Lipoprotein metabolism.
Apolipoprotein B is a major protein constituent of chylomicrons (apo B-48), LDL (apo B-100) and VLDL (apo B-100). Apo B-100 functions as a recognition signal for the cellular binding and internalization of LDL particles by the apoB/E receptor.
Field of research
Cell Biology and Cellular Response antibody; Metabolism antibody; Signaling Transduction antibody
Post-translational modifications
1.Palmitoylated; structural requirement for proper assembly of the hydrophobic core of the lipoprotein particle. 2.Modification sites at PhosphoSitePlus 3.Glycosylation at Asn34, Asn185, Asn983, Asn1368, Asn1377, Asn1523, Asn2239, Asn2560, Asn2779, Asn2982, Asn3101, Thr3220, Asn3224, Asn3336, Asn3358, Asn3411, Asn3465, Asn3895, Asn4237, Asn4351, and Asn4431
Biologic Classification
Protein Based Therapies
Monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Antibody Isotype
Antibody Clone
Species Reactivity
Anti Apolipoprotein B antibody recognizes the gene product of APOB that is the primary apolipoprotein of low-density lipoproteins, which is responsible for carrying cholesterol to tissues. Through a mechanism that is not fully understood, high levels of APOB can lead to plaques that cause vascular disease (atherosclerosis), leading to heart disease. There is considerable evidence that levels of APOB are a better indicator of heart disease and cardiovascular risk than total cholesterol or LDL.
Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease

All products and services are for Research Use Only. Do Not use in humans.


Creative Biolabs has established a team of customer support scientists ready to discuss ADCC/CDC optimization strategies, antibody production, bioinformatics analysis and other molecular biology/biotechnology issues.

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